As you may have noticed, things have started to wind-down at SFist HQ. That's because a lot of us are back in the hinterlands visiting with family, family-in-law, potential family-in-law and family-in-law-if-the-law-allowed. Oh, and our best friend, Mr. James Beam. So until the new year, we'll be taking it easy with the posting. It's hard to type when you've got a turkey leg in one hand, a drink in the other and a relative talking about how succesful your cousin is and why can't you be like him?

So look for more gift ideas, best of lists, year in review posts and other bits stock journalism that we can write ahead before we depart. Yeah, we're free from our cubes! We've already gained enough weight, what's another few pounds! That eggnog isn't nearly strong enough, and you haven't even added the egg or the nog yet -- more rum!