Oh, boo frickin' hoo. The Examiner today profiles an angry yuppie living across from the ballpark who says that a piece of graffiti is ruining his "million-dollar view." The disgruntled homeowner paid $850,000 for his tenth-story condo and says that the tag on the old warehouse across the street, reading "MORE BOOK$," appeared in April while he was on a business trip. The homeowner calls the tag "a very good public nuisance," and says he preferred the old sign on the building (that said "South End Warehouse") because "it was a beautiful piece of history." "I'm at a dead end," he sighs. "The only thing I can do at this point is hire an attorney."

Hey, guy. If you're going to buy a place in SoMA, for that gritty city ambiance so you can pick up the ladies (or the dudes) in your swanky pad, you can't really complain when the place . It's not the tagger's fault you couldn't afford the snazzy Victorian two-bed two-bath in Pacific Heights that you really wanted! This is like when SoMA residents bought places near the highway and then complained that there were too many billboards. Next: people who move to the Mission and complain that there are too many taquerias.

The online version of this article doesn't have a picture of the aggrieved gentleman, but we'd strongly, strongly encourage you to pick up the print copy and check him out, looking forlornly at the 25-foot "more book$" graffiti and his spoiled million dollar view. The city, for its part, has contacted the owner of the tagged building and told him he'll be fined $500 if he doesn't get rid of the tag, under Elsbernd's new anti-graffiti legislation.

actually looks like an urban warehouse district