Tuesday brings the Giants and the Padres the Essefficist. What could possibly be better? Don't answer that. Today we turn to an issue especially dear to many a San Franciscan: parking. Specifically, parking regulations, enforcement thereof, parking tickets, and towing. More specifically, parking for people who are worshiping, mourning, dining, or shopping in the Mission. Let's turn to George:

Explain why church goers can park their cars in the middle of the street, like on Guerrero or Valencia, for hours at a time; but people who park in the median (not blocking ANY traffic) on Valencia to run into a shop or restaurant often return moments later to find a visit from the SF DPT? What gives?

Well, George, our good friend, whom we shall call Muffin, who's really much more like a little bird than a baked treat, knows a suspiciously large amount about the inner workings of the Department of Parking and Traffic and was happy to give us the poop.
