Writers and drinkers go together like Bogie & Bacall, like Brad & Jen, like Hall & Oates. Which is why we, the underpaid and over-inebriated writers at SFist, couldn't be more excited about Writers With Drinks, a monthly "Spoken Word Variety Show." A fund raiser for the brilliantly named "The Other Magazine," a "Who's on First" title if ever we heard ("hey, are you reading Maxim?" "No, I'm reading 'the Other Magazine.'" "FHM?" "No, 'the Other Magazine.'" "Stuff?" "No, that's it's title, idiot,- 'the Other Magazine!"), Writers With Drinks features readings by local writers and other notables . There's no theme to the proceedings, just lots of interesting stuff covering everything from science-fiction to stand-up comedy and from political rants to erotica. Plus drinks, of course. The show plays monthly at the Make-Out Room and this month's show is this Saturday, the 11th. Doors open at 7, show starts at 7:30, and the gin n' tonics start way before-hand.
SFist Jon, Contributing