Sure we’re a day late, but down here in the depths of the Essefficist offices we've been working hard to answer Steve M's deep and probing question, "Does anyone really exchange casual unpaid sex via Craig’s List?" We thought it’d be worth the wait. Unfortunately, you and your nasty little mind are going to have to wait another week to find out the real dirt on that particularly salacious query because we’re still awaiting data. We've sent out thirty, count 'em thirty, emails to anonymous posters on the Casual Encounters board in the Craig’s List Personals section seeking information on this the hottest of all burning questions, yet not a single one of the tramps we tried to contact, despite out honest guarantee of anonymity, got back to us on the results of their posting. (Shortly after sending out our cold but sexy emails, however, we did receive an offer in our inbox, miraculously sent from our own email address, to pay a nominal monthly fee for the privilege of accessing webcam images of college girls in various states of undress, as well as something in Russian — in the Cyrillic alphabet, no less — offering some sort of mysterious service. We did our best to delete our address from their lists and we’re hoping that’s the end of the Casual Encounters spam.)

So, in the interim, lets turn to Karen from Berkeley, who’s got a few questions of her own.

Dear Efficist,

Can you interpret this dream? I'm chatting with another woman when suddenly her face morphs into a flower. As I watch, her flesh elongates into bright yellow petals. Moments later, she returns to normal. What's up with that? Also, what was on Dustan Mohr's mind when he failed to return to second base after Barry's pop fly? Could he have been having that yellow flower dream, too?
