Ever since SFist saw The 6th Day, we've been obsessed with the idea of cloning our pets (for those of you out there who haven't seen this cinematic masterwork, in The 6th Day, there's a company called RePet who will clone your beloved pet and grow it out to whatever age you'd like, so you and your family will never have to suffer the grief of pet loss again). We went so far as to keep a claw from our dearly departed cat around for such a purpose (that is, until we vacummed out the car and lost it forever).

It wasn't that long after the car cleaning incident that we heard about Genetic Savings and Clone, a company that is raring to clone Mr. Kitty Snuggles today, and Fido by 2005. You might have read about them recently with the story of Baba Ganoush and Tabouli, the two cloned kittens now living in Pacific Heights. If you were a cloned kitten, where else would you live?

Listen. SFist understands the pain of pet loss better than anyone. We think about our late, great cat and miss him every day. That said, we have a bit of the "Oy!" going on when we think about this. Your dead pet is irreplacable, even by another cat with the same genetic material. It's kitten season, and there are so many adorable kitties (young and old) available at shelters all over, why not grieve (a natural human emotion, the last time we checked), and adopt a new, diferent pet? Why not turn over that $12,000 you'd spend replicating your late pal to your local shelter, who works so hard to save the lives of homeless animals every day?