Women working retail alone can breathe a sigh of relief, because the "Good Ol' Boy Bandit" suspect has been captured. This guy was making a business of robbing stores in the Haight and Fillmore where women work alone at night. He'd threaten them with a four-inch hunting knife to get them to give up the dough, and was nicknamed the Good Ol' Boy Bandit because of his thick southern accent...and what do you know, it turns out that the suspect, Brian Mark Joyce, (age 30) is from Hillsborough, Alabama.

We at SFist have had our share of crummy retail jobs, and it's only through sheer luck that we never had to endure any sort or robbery attempts (our own pilfering was another story). So, we feel bad about laughing at the San Francisco Examiner piece on the bandit, which contained this really funny account of the robbery from an employee of the last place the bandit hit, the Pure Beauty at 16th and Market Streets.