SF News Brittanie Mountz Wins! Your results are in pie graph form above -- but if you can't read the names and numbers in those little wedges, here they are in legible form: --Brittanie Mountz -- 68.3%
SF News Don't Forget To Vote.... ....for your favorite Gavin date! As you'll see, Brittanie Mountz has a commanding lead (perhaps with some assistance from her sorority?), but that shouldn't discourage you from sounding off with your opinion either!
SF News New Poll! Pick Your Favorite Gavin Date! It's been awfully quiet on the Gavin Newsom dating front, hasn't it? Well, if our mayor won't create gossip for us, we'll have to do it ourselves! So we're announcing the official Favorite
SF News What's Up With The Guilfency? Sounds like the Guilfency are having some Fashion Week woes, anyways -- their front-row seats at the Sunday Sari Gueron show that Eric was sponsoring were stolen by two brazen teenage girls, and