SF News Day Around the Bay Could Noe Valley street plaza get axed for fear of too much congestion? [Curbed] Woman mugged for her laptop outside Medjool. [Uptown Almanac] Bill Gates brings his show-stopping cabaret act to UC Berkeley.
SF News Day Around the Bay Google's 5 funniest April Fools' jokes. [PC World] HRC's full page ad in the Bay Area Reporter is cute and all, but why isn't HRC placing ads in DC's more political rags? [Petrelis]
SF News Day Around the Bay Supes approve parking garage restrictions. [SF Examiner] Finding a mean bartender in SF is much harder than we thought. [SFGate] Oy. Tomorrow it the most annoying day on the Internet. Brace yourselves. [Laughing
SF News Day Around the Bay Q&A with Bay Area band Camp Out. [SF Weekly] CSU East Bay professor, arrested for allegedly possessing child pornography, accused of molesting baby. [Chronicle] SF cable car system to be shut
SF News Day Around the Bay Sausalito installs bicycle signs contradicting CA law [Streetsblog] Average rent down by nearly 200/month. [SF Appeal] San Francisco continues to be gayest city on Earth. [Uptown Almanac] Newsom snubs a fan. [SFGate]
SF News Day Around the Bay World's strongest beer at Toronado. [Eater] San Francisco, a backwards city. [Uptown Almanac] Nine Oakland police corral combative crash suspect. [Chronicle] Turn juice into booze! [CHOW] Joe’s Ice Cream moving after 50
SF News Day Around the Bay Catamaran constructed of 12,500 plastic bottle sets sail tomorrow from Sausalito to Australia. [Chronicle] Phenomenal food writer Paolo Lucchesi, is back! [SFGate] Discarded to Divine fashion preview. [SF Indie Fashion] Careful if
SF News Day Around the Bay The horrible dream killers on the arts commission deemed the pink cloud hovering over in the Castro "infeasible," nixing it altogether. [BAR] SFO vs The Bad Airport [SFGate] The Mayor of Hamburger Haven
SF News Day Around the Bay SF Weekly and SF Bay Guardian: "They're like dinosaurs, fighting over the rotting bones of a soon-to-be-extinct animal." [Stranger] Summer Shields, your District 8 Lyndon LaRouche candidate of choice. [40 Going On 28]
SF News Day Around the Bay How to carry your feline while riding BART. [SFBART's Blog] Pro-life censorship advocate pies food critic in face at Anarchist Book Festival in Golden Gate Park. [Eye On Blogs] SF's recycling centers hurting
SF News Day Around the Bay Nearly 22K California teachers pink slipped. [CBS 5, Calitics] San Francisco State University is 21st in Peace Corps volunteers. [Examiner] Twitter still doesn't know how it will make money. [Valleywag] San Franciscans not
SF News Day Around the Bay After school on the 22. [Caliber SF] Airline stops video chat because you could communicate with a terrorist. [Valleywag] Mission street food, literally. [Mission Mission] Nat Ford defies Gavin: Sunday, extended weekday parking
SF News Day Around the Bay What will it take to save mid-market? [SF Appeal, Curbed] Assistant switches from cranky Yahoo CEO for much cooler Twitter CEO. [Valleywag] Meet 11 fashion forward bloggers you might not know about yet.
SF News Day Around the Bay SF's smoking ban extended, but not far enough for some. [SF Appeal] Cal kid's brilliant response to old people's views on the March 4 protest. [Daily Cal] Recession putting the squeeze on Napa
SF News Day Around The Bay Artist Television Access does more than pour hate on retail chains; they also have nifty art! [Mission Mission] California unveils list of failing schools. [CBS 5/AP] Embarcadeo reconfigurations faces uphill battle. [Curbed]
SF News Day Around the Bay Highspeed rail plan could take a couple of route 82 lanes. [Curbed] Young people protest school cuts. [SFBG] Pink slip Friday went into effect today. [SF Weekly] What's up this weekend? [Appeal] Chocolate
SF News Day Around the Bay National Day of Action for Public Education protests rock Bay Area schools. [SFGate] Live-blogging the rally. [Daily Cal] Puppy rescued from Hot water-scorching, gun wielding abuser. [Appeal] Mid-Market coming include Strand Theater mini-studios.
SF News Day Around the Bay Take a sneak peak at Kelly Hughett's Radius, where everything is served within an x-mile radius. [Eater] Violet Blue explains why she quit the Chronicle/Gate. [Appeal] Lincecum adjusting to increasing fame. [CBS
SF News Day Around the Bay Bay City Bombers kick off derby days with home opener. [SFBG] Big, dramatic park where Oakland meets the Bay Bridge. [SF Chron, Curbed] Jerry Brown to announce candidacy Tuesday. [Mercury News] Fecal matter
SF News Day Around the Bay Waaaaverly, one of the houses used in the Joy Luck Club House is for sale. [Curbed] The cuts and cost of California education. [NYT] One of San Francisco's greatest food bloggers, Paolo Lucchesi,
SF News Day Around the Bay Making a case for the Giants' Barry Zito. [SF Weekly] SF's planning department blamed for blight of unrenovated Alexandria Theater. [Appeal] Democrats mean to suburbanites? Not so. [SFBG] Parking at the Ferry Building
SF News Day Around the Bay Tasteless Tesla plane crash ad emerges day after fatal accident. [Valleywag] Why the long face? [Mission Mission] Supes relent on mandating foot patrols; stand firm on dignitary security. [Appeal] Looking for Muni solutions?
SF News Day Around the Bay Sun setting over the Golden Gate Bridge. [CaliberSF] Is it fair that DUI checkpoints are trapping unlicensed drivers? [NYT] Richmond church shooting victims talking. [CBS 5] Papalote vs. Bobby Flay [7x7] Let's chat
SF News Day Around the Bay Things San Franciscans like: knowing how to ride the bus. [Appeal] Safety bubble of the elite Mission district is burst when Bobby Flay comes to town. [Mission Mission] Guy invites drunk stranger to
SF News Day Around the Bay You know what's going on inside those exclusive Union Square parties? Free Ed Hardy t-shirts, for starters. [Beth Spotswood] Teen taggers detained temporarily. [SF Weekly] This is from a few days back, but