SF Politics Biden's Medicaid Chief Daniel Tsai Appointed to Lead SF's Department of Public Health Seeking refuge from the current Trump era in Washington, a former Biden administration health official has just landed a job in SF's Lurie administration.
SF News Mayor Lurie Launches SFPD ‘Hospitality Task Force’ to Bolster Union Square Ahead of All-Star Game, Lunar New Year While this new SFPD ‘Hospitality Task Force’ arrives the weekend before the double-team of the NBA All-Star Game and the Chinese New Year Parade, the reconfigured police staffing will be in effect year-round in the Union Square tourism district.
SF Politics Mayor Lurie Is Determined to Fire Police Commission VP Max Carter-Oberstone SF Police Commission Vice President Max Carter-Oberstone became famous for blowing the whistle on London Breed when she forced commissioners to sign secret resignation letters. Now new Mayor Daniel Lurie wants to fire him outright.
SF Politics Daniel Lurie Gets His ‘Fentanyl Emergency Ordinance’ Passed In Landslide Board Vote Mayor Lurie won a huge expansion of his powers to combat fentanyl markets and homelessness, as the Board of Supervisors approved his so-called “emergency ordinance,” which now involves a pop-up police station at the long-debated SoMa Nordstrom parking lot.
SF News Scott Wiener Teams Up With Mayor Lurie on Proposed New Illegal Street Vending Law The latest effort to tamp down the illegal vending scene in SF is a state-level bill from state Senator Scott Wiener, though it only applies to San Francisco, and Wiener has lined up Mayor Lurie and several SF supervisors to support it.
SF News Lurie Holds City Hall Rally to Push His Fentanyl Emergency Order, Which Seems to Have the Votes to Pass Mayor Lurie’s Wednesday morning rally to support his fentanyl measure had more supporters lined up onstage than it had people in attendance, but more importantly, Lurie appears to have enough SF supervisor support to pass his measure next week.
SF Politics Lurie Rolls Out Fentanyl State of Emergency Ordinance, But Supervisors’ Dissent Already Brewing New SF Mayor Daniel Lurie introduced his "Fentanyl State of Emergency Ordinance" on Tuesday, but there’s already some pushback, as it hands out no-oversight money to department heads to create potential for Mohammed Nuru-type self-dealing.
SF News Mayor Lurie Names New Fire Chief, Dean Crispen, a 34-Year Veteran of the SFFD In his first department-head appointment of his tenure as mayor, Daniel Lurie on Friday announced the appointment of second-generation firefighter and 34-year veteran of the city's fire department Dean Crispen as the new fire chief.
SF Politics Lurie Announces City Hall Hiring Freeze on First Full Day in Office, Fentanyl Emergency Order Coming by Tuesday New SF Mayor Daniel Lurie declared a City Hall hiring freeze (but not for cops or firefighters) on Day One of his administration that faces a $876 million deficit, and he says he’ll have his fentanyl crackdown plan ready to pass on Tuesday.
SF News Lurie Inaugural Bash In Chinatown Draws Thousands Grant Avenue in San Francisco's Chinatown was packed Wednesday night, as a night market, street performers, mainstage acts, and a VIP banquet celebrated the inauguration of Daniel Lurie as the city's 46th mayor.
SF News 'Safety Isn't Just a Statistic': Read SF Mayor Daniel Lurie's Inauguration Speech Daniel Lurie was sworn in Wednesday as the 46th mayor of San Francisco, giving an inauguration speech that was predictably focused on the hot-button issues of drugs, crime, and the perception of safety on city streets.
SF Politics Inauguration of Daniel Lurie as SF Mayor on Wednesday to Include Civic Center Ceremony, Chinatown Celebrations A changing of the guard takes place this week at San Francisco City Hall, and the festivities around the mayoral inauguration will be going on all day Wednesday.
SF Politics Daniel Lurie Names Paul Yep as New Public Safety Chief The new Lurie administration will include a new "czar" of public safety who will oversee SF's police and fire departments, in addition to other public safety-related agencies, and Thursday they announced their pick.
SF News Day Around the Bay: Daniel Lurie Getting Credit for Ending the Marriott Hotel Strike SF State was placed on lockdown over a threat that did not pan out; a Mission District mural vandal suspect has been arrested; and Mayor-Elect Daniel Lurie is getting some credit for helping end the Marriott hotel strike.
SF Politics Lurie Hires Former Twitter CFO Ned Segal to Be ‘Policy Chief’ of Housing and Economic Development A former Twitter executive who’s suing Elon Musk over unpaid severance is now taking over SF’s housing and economic recovery response under the Daniel Lurie administration, as Ned Segal has been named Chief of Housing and Economic Development.
SF Politics Lurie Taps Former Giants Executive as Chief of Staff, Announces Other New Hires Mayor-Elect Daniel Lurie announced his first three hires, and while two of them were campaign staffers, his out-of-left-field pick is former Giants executive vice president Staci Slaughter as his new chief of staff.
SF Politics Daniel Lurie Plans to Create Four Deputy Positions In Mayor's Office San Francisco Mayor-elect Daniel Lurie has plans to switch things up a bit in the mayor's office, reverting to a system that voters in the city did away with almost 30 years ago.
SF News Day Around the Bay: Daniel Lurie Will Take a $1 Salary When He Becomes Mayor A woman was struck in an allegedly intentional Mission District hit-and-run; Wells Fargo is selling off its Financial District headquarters; and Daniel Lurie will be paid $1 a year when he takes over as mayor next month.
SF Politics Rumor Swirls That Breed Will Appoint Former Aide, Loyal 'Guard Dog' and Potential Chaos Agent as Supervisor Mayor London Breed is rumored to be seriously considering appointing her former aide and more recently campaign advisor Conor Johnston to Catherine Stefani's soon-to-be-vacated seat on the Board of Supervisors.
SF Politics Daniel Lurie Names OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to His Mayoral Transition Team San Francisco Mayor-Elect Daniel Lurie named some heavy hitters to his transition team in a Monday morning announcement, and the heaviest of these hitters is none other than OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.
SF Politics CNN Throws San Francisco Under the Bus In Nation's Rightward Shift, Casts Lurie as Law-and-Order Conservative Democrats' post-mortems after this election were already exhausting last Wednesday, and they've only continued for the last nine days. And on networks like CNN, they have had to hammer home the reasons why Dems lost so terribly, in terms of losing control of the House and Senate.
SF Politics Can Daniel Lurie Save Macy's? With the big tree-lighting ceremony in Union Square this week, the pall hanging over the celebration is the impending planned closure of Macy's, with this potentially being the last Great Tree lighting in the square, at least by Macy's.
SF Politics Daniel Lurie Sweeps Into Mayor’s Office Promising ‘Change,’ But It’s Unclear What His Administration Will Look Like The Mayor-Elect of San Francisco Daniel Lurie is still a walking question mark in many respects, but there are some educated guesses on how the wealthy heir and nonprofit executive is going to govern and try to fulfill his campaign promises.
SF Politics London Breed Concedes Mayoral Election as Lurie Maintains Lead In Ballot Update; D1 Race Is Dead Even Daniel Lurie continued to have a comfortable lead in the ranked-choice tally for San Francisco mayor, and while incumbent Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Aaron Peskin made some small gains, Breed announced she has already conceded the race.
SF News Daniel Lurie Poised to Be Next Mayor of San Francisco After Spending Record Sum In Election Daniel Lurie, the billionaire heir to a Levi's jeans fortune who, with the help of his mother's wealth, launched a campaign to become mayor of San Francisco, is well ahead of incumbent London Breed in ranked-choice votes.