SF News [Update] Dogs on the Loose Create Chaos In Fillmore District After Biting Two People An apparently vicious dog was shot by police in the Fillmore District and led to an alert from the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management Friday morning due to other dogs on the loose.
SF News Random Loose Horse Spotted Near Oakland Coliseum We have another incident in the annals of roving farm animals in Bay Area cities, this time in Oakland, and nowhere near any farms.
SF News Cop Meets Dog, Dog Bites Cop, Cop Shoots Dog It's long been a personal nightmare to have that mellow-looking dog on Haight Street suddenly lunge for my throat, and it played out for one unlucky cop (and canine) yesterday afternoon. While attempting
SF News Possibly Drunk Horses Attempt To Take The Freeway Two loose horses were found on an Interstate 680 freeway onramp outside of Martinez, California after last call Sunday night. The horses were rounded up around 2 a.m. on the Pachecho off-ramp