A live broadcast of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Tuesday night in Chicago with House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi as a guest was interrupted several times by pro-Palestinian protesters in the audience.

Colbert, who typically tapes his shows at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York, is doing special live broadcasts this week in Chicago, in conjunction with the Democratic National Convention. And some protesters managed to get tickets to the show, and shouted several things during his conversation with Pelosi, which Colbert then acknowleged.

As Deadline reports, Pelosi was there, in part, to talk about her new book, The Art of Power, and she was discussing the book when a female audience member could be heard shouting.

"For the people at home who can’t tell, there’s a protest going on in the audience right now," Colbert said on air. "Hold on young lady, I can hear you. We’re actually at a commercial break but the subject is on Israel and Palestine, and if you’ll have a seat, we have to go to a commercial break and when we come back I will ask the next question I had on that subject, if you will listen."

They went to commercial, and when the show came back, Colbert asked Pelosi about whether the United States should be supplying Israel with the weapons that are killing innocent Palestinians.

"If the goal is the peaceful and prosperous future for both Israel and Palestinians, what role does the United States play?" Colbert asked.

Pelosi responded with a quote from John F. Kennedy, and then said, "Yes, we’ve had a commitment to Israel, that’s been in our security interest to do so. Israel was attacked by a terrorist organization. We want the hostages freed, but we don’t want children killed in Gaza, so we have to come up with a solution."

While she spoke, protesters continued to speak out from the audience.

"War has no place in a civilized society," Pelosi continued. "We have to learn more about trust and peace and learning about each other rather than to have a conflict by war."

Colbert continued to engage her on the issue, saying, "As you can see from the continuing protest out here, that answer is unsatisfying to some people."

"Israel has a right to defend itself," Pelosi continued. "But the other part of it that has been so major for all of us for so many years is that there must be a two-state solution. We cannot have peace unless there’s a two-state solution… Unless you have a two-state solution, we’ll not have a resolution of this."

The outbursts continued, and Colbert ended up saying to the protesters, "Please don't interrupt my guests."

You can see the whole exchange in the clip below.