The host of a recent Mark Farrell fundraiser in the Marina went off on SF for “lawlessness and wokeism,” a description Farrell called “pretty compelling.” But now Farrell says he disagrees, and Mayor Breed is taking him to task.

SF mayoral candidate Mark Farrell has always seemed the furthest right of the five major candidates in the race. He has one stump-speech line, which he has repeated near-verbatim in all of the debates, a Tucker Carlson-esque mischaracterization that “Literally every single day, there are city-funded workers in the Tenderloin handing out free packets of tin foil to those suffering from drug addiction.”

Things got even more MAGA at a recent Mark Farrell fundraiser in the Marina, according to audio obtained by Politico. “We have devolved into an international joke of lawlessness and wokeism, rewarding laziness and punishing those that work hard,” commercial real estate broker Larry Buck said in introducing Farrell at a Marina wine bar. “Another four years of London Breed and her socialist cronies will be the end of San Francisco as we know it.”

Mission Local obtained the full audio of the introduction, in which Buck quotes Elon Musk, as if Elon Musk’s views of San Francisco can be considered accurate. And he also went off on San Francisco’s genuinely life-saving COVID precautions.

“The Doom Loop started with London Breed’s mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and social distancing mandates during the pandemic,” Buck said. “Remember the circles they painted around the Marina Green where only six were allowed in the circle? Geniusness.” (The audience laughed.)

Well pal, considering that San Francisco had by far the lowest COVID death rate of any US city, seems those moves paid off. But perhaps human life does not matter so much to commercial real estate agents who are more concerned with making payments on their fourth Ferrari than they are with how many San Franciscans are dying in a global pandemic.

We should note that Farrell did not say these words. But he sure seemed to endorse them.

“Sometimes I go through the nasty scenarios on where we are,” Farrell said, in audio from later in the same event that has also been leaked. “Honestly, I think Larry did a great job of that. I almost wanted to jump off the bridge, but I didn’t. I didn’t, Larry.”

Wait, he made a jump off the bridge reference as a joke? Sheesh.

But once reporters started asking questions, Farrell walked back his support for Buck’s remarks.

“It wasn’t worth my time to go line-item by line-item disagreeing with his views," Farrell told Politico. “I am a proud born and raised San Francisco Democrat. I am running for mayor because London Breed has failed at her job."

Still, Breed is pouncing on Farrell and his supporters’ Fox News-sounding rhetoric. "Depending on who he’s in front of, he’s saying what he needs to say," Breed told Politico. “I don’t have to go around telling people I’m a Democrat. He has to say it because people think he’s a Republican."

The dustup may embolden Farrell’s center-right supporters who love his stump line about “free packets of tin foil.”

But it will also embolden Breed to reuse her stump lines that "These guys have one thing in common: They want us to feel bad about San Francisco," and "They want to make you feel bad about what San Francisco is, they are running against San Francisco."

Related: Mark Farrell Wants to Be Called ‘Small Business Owner’ on Ballot, Though His Company Has $100 Million [SFist]

Image: Irish Israeli Italian Society of San Francisco via Facebook