Vivian Jenna Wilson, Elon Musk’s 20-year-old trans daughter, gave her first public interview following Musk’s attacks on her in a recent interview, and also took to social media to say that Musk is (zing!) “in a ketamine-fueled haze.”

We reported earlier this week that Twitter/X owner and out-of-wedlock father factory Elon Musk did an interview with Jordan Peterson this week, and the meeting of these two right-wing blowhards strongly indicated that Musk’s newfound MAGA turn is likely the result of his unhappiness that he has a trans daughter. "I lost my son, essentially," Musk said in the interview. "They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead."

He added that he felt his daughter was "killed by the woke mind virus."

Though as seen above, Musk has a habit of being outrageously wrong about death and viruses. As he tweeted on March 2020, “probably close to zero new [COVID] cases in US too by end of April.” Since then, 1.1 million Americans have been killed by the COVID-19 virus, which is an actual virus.

The trans daughter to whom Musk refers is Vivian Jenna Wilson, and she’s one of the few people in the Elon universe who’s not bound by nondisclosure agreements. And oh, did the 20-year-old unload on him on the platform Threads after that interview.

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“I’m legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me,” Wilson wrote. “Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass.”

Musk is an admitted ketamine user.

Wilson also gave her first public interview to NBC News, and pushed back against what she said were several blatant lies from her estranged father.  

“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” Wilson told NBC News. “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.”

Musk has (at least) 12 children by three different mothers. He fathered Vivian Wilson with his first wife Justine Wilson to whom he was married between 2000 and 2008. Vivian is on good terms with mother Justine, but has little good to say about Elon Musk.  

“He was cold,” she said in the NBC New interview. “He’s very quick to anger. He is uncaring and narcissistic.”

She also said Musk harangued her as a child over her feminine traits.

“I was in fourth grade. We went on this road trip that I didn’t know was actually just an advertisement for one of the cars — I don’t remember which one — and he was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high,” she added. “It was cruel.”

She also says Musk was generally an absentee father. “He was there, I want to say, maybe 10% of the time. That’s generous,” Wilson told NBC News. “He had half custody, and he fully was not there.”

Musk additionally claimed in the Jordan Peterson interview that “I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys,” that authorized Wilson’s medical treatments for transitioning. Wilson disputes this.

“He was not by any means tricked. He knew the full side effects,” she said. And she sang the praises of hormone-replacement therapies, saying, “They save lives. Let’s not get that twisted,” and “They definitely allowed me to thrive.”

If there is perhaps one uplifting angle to this, pop star Grimes, who has three of Musk’s other children, tweeted in support of Vivian Wilson yesterday.

Related: In New Interview, Elon Musk Spells Out How Conflict Over Trans Daughter Triggered His Shift to MAGA-dom [SFist]

Images: (Left) @vivllainous via Threads, (Right) U.S. Air Force / Trevor Cokley via Wikimedia Commons