• The fight over access to the private South Bay beach owned by billionaire Vinod Khosla is back in court. A Bay Area judge ruled that California's case against Khosla — brought by members of the public who had used the beach for generations until Khosla bought it 16 years ago and closed it off — can proceed. [SFGATE]
  • During UC Berkeley's commencement ceremony on Saturday, student demonstrators seized the opportunity to voice their concerns regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted graduation speeches with chants and signs, but the administration acknowledged them and the ceremony continued peacefully. [KNTV]
  • The Bay Area got another rare aurora borealis show on Saturday night. Stargazers traveled to the Oakland hills to check out the second night in a row of the red, green, and sometimes purple northern lights. [KTVU]
  • A fight broke out on a flight from Taiwan to San Francisco over an empty seat, and someone posted a video of the brawl on social media. [AFlyGuyTravels on X]
  • A recent study suggests that California landscapes aren’t bouncing back after wildfires the way they used to in previous decades, likely due to long-term drought and climate change. [Chronicle]
  • A vigil and silent procession mourning journalists killed in Gaza took place at the Embarcadero on Saturday. [KPIX]

Featured image via Unsplash/Liz Sanchez-Vegas.