• A fire broke out at an apartment building in the Inner Sunset Tuesday night around 8:30 p.m., and 100 firefighters were out fighting the blaze. The two-alarm fire at 1279 8th Avenue, which spread to a hardware store on Irving, was contained by 10:16 p.m., and at least 12 residential units were impacted. [Chronicle / KTVU]
  • A 40-year-old man was fatally shot in Oakland's Koreatown neighborhood on Tuesday night. It is the third homicide in the city in a 72-hour span. [East Bay Times]
  • Tropical moisture and unstable air have raised a chace, albeit a low one, of isolated thunder and lightning in the Santa Cruz Mountains and Big Sur area today and tomorrow. [Chronicle]
  • A water main break caused a mess in an Alameda neighborhood last week. [East Bay Times]
  • A 59-year-old Novato man, Brian Collins, was arrested twice in one week for allegedly harassing a victim with "threats and racial epithets." [KPIX]
  • A story has gone viral of a woman in Texas who was attacked by a snake that fell from the sky — out of the talons of a hawk who swooped in and attacked her to get its snake back, leaving her wounded. [New York Times]
  • There was one winning ticket for last night's $1.58B Mega Millions jackpot, and it was sold in Neptune Beach, Florida. [CBS News]
  • And a ticket sold in Hilmar, in Merced County, is a $3.3 million winner. [NBC Bay Area]

Photo: SFFD