With one month left before California votes on whether or not to recall Governor Gavin Newsom, and days before people start receiving their mail-in ballots — if you haven't received yours already — Newsom is doing a four-day campaign tour encouraging voters to "Vote No."

While many people in the state may dislike Newsom or feel eager for a change amid the pandemic grind, the situation is kind of frightening at the moment with "Yes" and "No" voters almost even in polls. And given the alternatives on the ballot, Democrats need to be frightened into voting against the recall and making sure everyone they know votes as well, because this will ultimately come down to turnout. As of just a few months ago, Newsom was polling well ahead and a significant majority of Californians were satisfied with the job he's done as governor.

Newsom was meeting with volunteers and holding an event at 10 a.m. Friday in San Francisco, as KRON4 reports, and he'll be flying around the state today holding separate events in Los Angeles and San Diego.

The message he's pushing is that if you don't vote "No," you're going to end up with a Republican in the governor's office, and very possibly a self-described Libertarian radio host and Fox News pundit, Larry Elder, who has vowed to lift all pandemic mandates if he's elected. Also, in case you haven't heard, Elder, who is Black, doesn't believe in systemic racism, and wants to abolish the minimum wage.

That alone should scare everyone into voting.

President Joe Biden put out a strong statement of support for Newsom today, and as Politico reports, the White House is said to be considering sending both him and Vice President Kamala Harris to California to campaign for the "No" side.

"Governor Newsom is leading California through unprecedented crises," Biden said. "He is a key partner in fighting the pandemic and delivering economic relief to working families and helping us build our economy back better than ever. He’s taking on the climate crisis and standing up for the rights of women, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community. He knows how to get the job done because he’s been doing it. And to keep him on the job, registered California voters should vote no on the recall election by September 14 and keep California moving forward."

Senator Elizabeth Warren has already done a "Stop the Republican Recall" ad which you may have already seen on TV. And more ads from big names in the party may still be to come.

According to an exclusive poll, per KRON4, 46% of voters said they will vote to recall Newsom, and 48% said they would vote against the recall. 6% were undecided, making this a dead heat.

The special recall election is on September 14, and early voting begins Monday.

Related: You've Seen the Elizabeth Warren Ad, Now Wait for Biden, Sanders and Others to Back Newsom In the Recall

Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images