• Embattled school board member Alison Collins has a new problem, and it involves her home. Someone submitted a 103-page anonymous complaint to the Department of Building Inspection on April 4 that alleges that she and her husband illegally merged two apartments beyond the scope of permits. [Chronicle]
  • The University of California and Cal State systems are planning to jointly announce that they will be requiring COVID vaccinations for all students. [KTVU]
  • A father and 4-year-old son were gravely injured by a possible DUI driver in Novato as they were trying to cross a street Wednesday night. [CBS SF]
  • A new report finds that not enough Americans are getting vaccinated for the country to reach herd immunity. [NBC Bay Area]
  • An early draft of BART's latest budget shows it will still need significant federal funding, but the agency is projecting a 7% jump in ridership. [CBS SF]
  • All about the Warriors' home game at the reopened Chase Center on Friday, and how this is the "new normal" for sports and entertainment. [SF Business Times]

Photo: Castrocam.net