It's nearly Easter, and once again the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be putting up a blasphemous display of thirst traps dressed up as Our Holy Savior for people to vote on.

Yes, the Hunky Jesus/Foxy Mary contests are happening on April 4, but they won't be live events in any park this year, as large gatherings are still verboten in San Francisco. Like last year, contestants will need to get their looks together early and send their photos for entry via email to And instead of an Easter bonnet contest this year, there is an Easter mask contest — with Easter-themed face masks will be in order, the gaudier the better.

The deadline for entry to either contest is this Friday, March 26, and the requirements are listed here.

The two-hour event will be live on Twitch, and it's a collaboration with the SF Queer Nightlife Fund and Folsom Street Events.

"This year's theme 'Rise Up With Sisters' hopes to inspire viewers as we emerge from the turmoil and darkness of the past four years," the Sisters write on their web announcement.

The day's program will feature entertainment from drag star Juanita MORE!, BeBe Sweetbriar, Madd Dogg 20/20, Miss Shugana, Mutha Chucka, Nick Marshall, Kylie Minono, KaiKai Bee Michaels, and more. And the event will be hosted by trans activist, local politico, and onetime Rupaul's Drag Race contestant Honey Mahogany, along with longtime hosts Sister Roma and Sister Dana.

While this will be the second SF Easter in several decades to be celebration-less in Dolores or Golden Gate Park, the Sisters hope that in-person events do return sometime this year, as we emerge slowly from pandemic hell. With that in mind, they've put out a save-the-date announcement for the first ever Bearrison Street Fair, a new bear-centric LGBTQ event in collaboration with Bears of San Francisco (BOSF), scheduled for October 30 on Harrison Street in SoMa.

"We look forward to working with the city in producing a large outdoor event that is safe and follows whatever public health guidelines are in place come October,” says Bearrison Co-Chair Sister Desi Juana DeWitt in a statement. "We hope that by October the pandemic will be under control and this can be an opportunity for folks to rekindle community as well as bring some business back to the city—especially to the historic Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District."