The wholesale retail company announced Saturday that Costco Pharmacy branches will start offering COVID-19 vaccines (using primarily Moderna units) for qualified recipients. Currently, the Novato Costco location is the only regional store actively enrolled in the program.
In what's a 180-degree moment, the chain of stores that millions panic-shopped during the pandemic’s height last year will soon offer COVID-19 vaccinations by appointment. But only people who who meet the state's criteria can register for one; those eligible for vaccines at the moment are health and child care workers, adults 65 years and older, and high-risk frontline workers.

"Costco is firmly committed to helping protect the health and safety of our members and employees, and to serving our communities," reads a line of copy from the wholesalers’ press release on the announcement. "Our pharmacies will be administering COVID-19 vaccines as soon as they are available, in accordance with CDC and state guidelines."
The program will also roll out to other corners of the county — cities in New York, Oregon, and Puerto Rico — and will expand to other stores in the Bay Area, as well.

But it looks like those who qualify for Costco’s COVID-19 vaccine will have to wait, nonetheless. There are presently no available appointments for the Novato Costco store. More appointments will, however, become available as vaccine allocations are given to participating Costco Pharmacy branches.
You can find more information on the Costco COVID-19 vaccine program, here.
For more information on San Francisco City-run vaccination sites, visit; you can also still register for the City program that will alert you when it's your turn to get vaccinated.
Starting this coming Tuesday, February 23, SFMTA will offer free roundtrip transportation for those traveling to and from their vaccination appointments in the city.
Mayor Breed Announces Free Roundtrip Muni Rides To COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments
SF Will Email or Text You When You’re Eligible for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Image: People wait to shop at the Costco Wholesale store as they look to purchase essentials on February 20, 2021 in Austin, Texas. Winter storm Uri disrupted the supply chain to stores causing many stores to run out of food supplies for customers. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)