• Senator Dianne Feinstein is stepping down from her role as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. DiFi is apparently heeding criticism from the Left that she behaved far too collegially with her Republican colleagues in the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, however she's staying on the committee. [Chronicle]*
  • The new Twin Peaks Tunnel construction project begins on November 30. Due to poor decisions during the actual tunnel project two years ago, there will now be lane closures on Market Street and more. [Examiner]
  • The General Services Administration (GSA) formally told the incoming Biden Administration that it could begin its transition process. After weeks in which GSA Administrator Emily Murphy had become the center of Trump's anti-concession drama, Murphy said she had independently reached her decision to allow the transition funds to be released "based on the law and available facts." [CNN]
  • Also today, Michigan finally certified the election results. [KRON4]
  • That fire in Berkeley is still smoldering, and firefighters are taking "unusual" steps to get after it. [Berkeleyside]
  • Surprise! General Motors is pulling out of a lawsuit driven by the Trump Administration filed against the state of California over emissions standards. [Associated Press]

Photo: Edgar Chaparro

*This post has been corrected to show that Feinstein is not abdicating her seat on the Judiciary Committee altogether.