Saturday afternoon's SF-wide sing-along of "I Left My Heart In San Francisco," led by Tony Bennett himself, was a balm to the soul. Countless San Franciscans took to their webcams, balconies, and even rooftops to sing the hit number in honor of frontline workers responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

May we all be as vivacious and full of optimism (and brilliance) as Tony Bennet is at 93 years young.

According to the KQED, the Tony Bennet-led “#SingOutSF” sing-along was imagined by San Francisco’s Chief of Protocol Charlotte Mailliard Shultz just five days ago. And today at noon, that idea was actualized as countless San Franciscans joined together to belt out “I Left My Heart In San Francisco,” posting those melodies across social media.

People picked up instruments they hadn’t touched in over a decade; some played the trumpet from atop high roofs; members of the San Francisco Opera harmonized on group Zoom call — and later posted the tear-jerker to their YouTube channel.

Needless to say: today’s mid-day episode of communal singing was endlessly entertaining and offered a welcomed break from the current state of things.

“I have been blessed with a beautiful signature song that has made me a citizen of the world,” Bennett told the Chronicle in 2011. “I love to perform it for everyone.”

Bennett, alas, inspired gaggles of crooners to put on a communal show today — be it perched a few stories up on a balcony of just foot or so behind a granular webcam.

Check out some of the most heart-warming and soul-nourishing serenades, below:

Related: Tony Bennett to Lead 'I Left My Heart In San Francisco' Singalong on Saturday

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Image: Wikimedia Commons