Nikolaus Krampus – the horned, anthropomorphic figure represented as a goat-demon-hybrid – has its roots in European folklore. But, as of recent, he’s become something of a camp icon, not unlike Babadook. Saturday night, you can expect gaggles of drag queens and performers to embody that notion in all manners of over-the-top regalia at El Rio.

Following the success of last year’s Yuletide (and quasi-demonic) procession, The Sisters of Perpetual indulgence are slated to throw their second San Francisco Krampus Pageant tomorrow at the beloved Mission District watering hole. Like 2018’s show, performers are expected to, metaphorically speaking, snatch your weaves ... and non-existent naughty children from the stage.

The Kima Exclusive Entertainment-produced event will feature a litany of judges, including Crusin d’Loo and Race Bannon, amongst other "brave" critics. A winner will be crowned at the end of the two-hour (5pm to 7pm) event. And, if you’re feeling courageous, it appears that you can still sign up to be on the “first-come, first-served” performers list, via this Google Form.

With the support of Kryolan Cosmetics – who will also be gifting the winner of the pageant a special makeup goodybag, which will exist alongside other “holiday numbing prizes” – all the proceeds from the event will benefit the Trans Lifeline, The Trevor Project and The Sister's General Fund. Last year’s proceeds from the queer happening went to help fund the Lyric Center For LGBTQ Youth's immigrant workforce internship.

A $10 to $20 is recommended at the door, taken by one of the members of the Sisters. For more information on the event and to mark your social media calendars, visit their Facebook Event Page.

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Image: Flickr via Miles Actually