In a continuing public response to last week's story about a black guy who was handcuffed and cited by a BART cop for eating a breakfast sandwich, a protest is being organized this weekend involving many more breakfast sandwiches at the BART station where all this went down.

A Facebook event titled "Eat a McMuffin on BART: They Can't Stop Us All" is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Pleasant Hill Station, and attendees are being asked to bring along McMuffins and participate in this act of civil disobedience. "Lets swarm the station eating McMuffins," the event copy reads. So far, 560 people say they are "going" and 1,700 people say they're "interested."

This follows on a similar "eat-in" protest that happened last Saturday at Embarcadero Station.

The video of Steven Foster's confrontation with the BART police officer from November 4 struck a chord with Bay Area residents, not only because of the injustice of getting ticketed for such a benign act, but also because so many much worse things happen on BART trains and platforms every day, and those go unpunished.

Thus, the incident prompted memes, like the one below.

BART General Manager Bob Powers issued an official apology to Foster on Monday, saying that while Foster shouldn't have been eating or talking back to the cop, he was "disappointed how the situation unfolded." (Foster ultimately was handcuffed after defying the officer's request that he produce identification.)

In response to the apology, BART director Debora Allen told ABC 7 that the officer "acted exactly the way he is expected to," and she added, "The whole thing has been rather humiliating to our police force that our general manager reacted this way."

SF BART director Janice Li had some different words on Monday, telling the Examiner that "using BART police to intensely enforce eating and drinking is not making our system more safe, reliable or clean."

Related: BART General Manager Issues Apology To Sandwich Eater Detained By BART Cop

Photo: Evan Amos/Wikimedia