During a show that was part of Mutiny Radio's Comedy Festival on Saturday in the Mission District, a comedian delivered a joke about the name Jeff, and some guy in the audience with the name Jeff jumped up on stage and punched him.

Comedian Capital Pilcrow was doing his standup set at Mutiny Radio on 21st Street when he was interrupted by the audience member, who also was apparently a comedian. KPIX reported on the incident without proper context, quoting comedian Ronn Vigh talking about the incident as though this was a person offended by an off-color or politically incorrect joke.

But as Ebaumsworld explains, the other comedian's name was Jeff — his last name has not been reported — and he leaped up on stage to assault Pilcrow after Pilcrow heard him muttering, and Pilcrow said, "I do know who you are. So shut the f – stop talking."

It's possible that the attacker in this case thought he was being personally insulted — not knowing that this joke is part of Pilcrow's regular current set, as you can hear here at the 1:39:30 mark.

The joke goes like this: "People ask me if [Capital] is my real name, and it's definitely my realest name. Definitely realer than anything my mom came up with. I don't know why you've got questions. Would you have questions if your boss paid you more than you asked for? This is a blessing. You should have questions if this dude comes up and is like 'My name is Jeff.' You satisfied with that? You just gonna roll with that your whole life?"

No one is pressing charges following the assault, but the comic named Jeff is now getting a citywide ban from stages if Mutiny Radio has anything to say about it. They posted to Facebook saying they're crowdfunding $500 to replace some broken glass in their front door, which he also apparently broke on his way out. The group says the incident was "a total accident of names," but that this Jeff guy is a "triggered danger."

Here's the Nest cam video of the incident below, which starts right after Pilcrow told his joke.