Did the use of Katy Perry's "Firework" in a video plug for Scott Wiener just explode in the Supervisor's face? As the politician campaigns against Jane Kim for a state senate seat in an increasingly costly and tiresome fight, the two have begun to engage in variety of "playful" proxy contests: Consider, for example, their Pokémon Go battle, held at the height of that craze and won by Kim. Most recently, the adversaries have enlisted the political theater potential (and considerable influence) of drag queens. Kim herself donned "drag" along with Juanita MORE! and Wiener introduced a "fun" music video spoof with drag queens Carnie Asada, Au Jus, and Miz Palou. Sung to Perry's "Firework," the take-off features cringe-worthy lyrics like "Do you ever feel, where the hell's Muni" and "Do you know who works / hard for me and you / he's tall and smart and true." (Okay that bit is so bad it's sort of cute). Take a look now, because soon this gem could be scrubbed from the the 'net. More after the jump.
Indeed, "Sony is dropping the boom on our kick-ass drag queen campaign video," Wiener writes, "citing copyright laws. The queens are doing the work and appealing to the great Katy Perry to keep the music going." In fact, they've even penned an open letter.
According to the Chronicle's coverage of the kerfuffle a vice president of the commercial music group for Sony/ATV sent a little letter to Wiener that accused him of “unlicensed copyright exploitation.”
“I love, love, love Katy Perry,” Wiener tells the Chron, noting he's even seen her live. He'd love her endorsement, he says: “We know she’s not the only copyright holder... But it is her song. I’m working every connection I have."

Wiener adds that Perry is aligned with others on the left: "She’s all in for Hillary (Clinton) and Kamala Harris... he’s a great sport and has a sense of humor. She’s awesome.” That's a point the group of drag queens mentioned: "You should know he’s a huge Hillary supporter from way back, and he is close with the amazing Kamala Harris, who has endorsed Scott. Former openly gay Congressman Barney Frank, another huge Hillary supporter, is coming out to campaign for Scott in a couple weeks." Kim, by contrast, secured an endorsement from Bernie Sanders.
Meanwhile, Supervisor Peskin publicly suspects foul play. “My question... is did Scott write to Sony and ask them to file a cease-and-desist letter so he’d get more publicity?” he wonders to the Chronicle. Let the gamesmanship continue, but seriously that'd be crazy, right?
Related: Photo Du Jour: Jane Kim Does Drag
via scottwiener.com