There was a time when one's Uber "passenger rating" — the (averaged, I gather) rating assigned to you by your various drivers — was a deep, dark secret. This time last year, in fact, the only way you could figure it out was by emailing their customer support team. By last fall, they'd improved the system to allow you to request it in-app, but you still had to wait for someone to mail it to you. Still kind of a hassle!
But when the TNC updated their customer support this week, they also brought attention to the fact that they had made it easier to see what your drivers think of you, right from your phone. Here's what you do:
- Once you launch the app, go to the "Help" menu by clicking the three lines at the upper left.
- Choose "Account"
- Scroll waaaay down and choose “I’d like to know my rating.”

That newfound knowledge in hand, we decided to check out our ratings and lay them bare for your amusement, and/or because we want you to tell us yours, so that only seems fair. Here we go!
Editor in Chief Jay C. Barmann: 4.72
For reasons I'd love to know, I do not have a 5.0 rating, but a relatively respectable 4.72, which puts me at the bottom of this group among my SFist colleagues. I have never been ultra-demanding with my Uber drivers or overly finicky when it comes to routes, however there is this one thing the Uber app does that tells drivers to make an unnecessary detour over to Fillmore when they could just stay on Steiner and I'm usually a little bit snippy about that. Also, there was one time when I raised my voice at a driver who spoke, I am not kidding, zero English and was getting his Google Maps directions in Cantonese, and took an extremely long and unnecessary detour through SoMa in order to get me from one side of the Twitter building to the other, and I reported him and got a refund but if he gave me a crap rating I don't think that should count. At least I don't have trouble actually summoning Ubers as a friend of mine apparently does in LA, due to her Long Island-bred backseat-bossy tendencies and subsequent ultra-low rating. I'm actually not even sure what it is, and she is too scared to check.
Assistant Editor Caleb Pershan: 4.81 stars
In several years of riding, I have achieved a 4.81-star rating for my behavior as an Uber passenger. While I recognize that this is a very good rating, I hold myself to the highest standards as a passenger, and truly feel that I can improve. Like most riders, I make every effort to quickly identify my driver and their vehicle, but sometimes this can be difficult as there are very many Priuses in San Francisco. I am polite in my conversation and only ask normal questions and say regular person things to my driver and fellow passengers even when they are bizarre and irregular or saying some shit that has me saying like what, what are you even talking about. I think my rating is imperfect because no one is truly perfect. Lord knows you can't please everyone in this world so maybe it's time to stop trying and learn to please yourself.
Contributing Editor Jack Morse: 4.96 stars
At 4.96 stars, my Uber passenger rating exists as a crowd-sourced window to the soul. Clearly, proper enough to meet the parents, but just wild enough to promise that hey, maybe, just maybe, a ride with me might get interesting. That .04 bit of rebellion exists like a Joker card left in an otherwise standard deck. "Will he, or won't he," my driver must surely be wondering as he routes his way to whatever dingy corner of the city I happen to be requesting a ride from at 5:34 p.m. "Should I take a chance that today I'm picking up .04 Jack?" But don't worry, drivers and potential fellow Uber Poolers out there, my truly dark side is reserved for Lyft.
Senior Editor Eve Batey: 5 stars
I have long believed that I am a superior person to the rest of these motherfuckers, and this seems like my final bit of proof. But, honestly, I am kind of surprised that my rating was this high, as I 1) tend to micromanage routes 2) point out areas in which particularly gruesome crimes have been committed to anyone who will listen 3) frequently have a dog with me and 4) am typically coming from or going to the Outer Sunset, hardly the most attractive destination. I guess it helps that the driver who threatened to kill me that time didn't get to rate me, and that I always tip with cash. Because it sure ain't my (or the dogs') charming personality!
OK, guys...we showed you ours, now you show us yours. Let's hear it!
Previously: Uber Sends Private Investigator To Question Former Employee Suspected Of Leaking 'Rape' Searches
And now you know.