"Can you possibly tell me what, up there, that's so vacant to me, you call a 'cloud,'" Olive Horrell, a 97-year-old great-grandmother, asked at Google's Mountain View headquarters.

Horrell's adorable wish — to visit the technology company and see a bit of the future — was recorded by CNET and granted by her assisted living community, Brookdale, and the Wish of a Lifetime organization for seniors.

Business Insider reports that Horrell was "blown-away by her drive in the self-driving car which took her around campus tour and to the free-food lunch at Google Cafe."

Indeed, feeling like a kid seems to be the intended reaction at the corporate headquarter's. But it's also a playground for great ideas. "To me it's the epitome of all the wonderful tech stuff that comes out," Horrell said, while adding a note of regret to her story in revealing that her father discouraged her dream of being an engineer. "Who would hire a woman?" he asked her.

Sadly, companies like Google are still addressing that systemic inequality, but it's nonetheless wonderful to see the red carpet rolled out for folks like Horrell. She's in good company with recent visitor Ahmed Mohamed, who rose to internet fame when his Texas teachers alerted the police to his homemade clock, fearing his precocious extra-curricular display was a bomb.

Related: Clockmaking Whiz Kid Ahmed Mohamed Attends Google Science Fair