- Supervisor Wiener plans to introduce legislation to exempt all 100% affordable housing projects from conditional use authorizations. [Chron] [Ex]
- Twitter’s getting a “buy” button so now you can buy tweets and such I guess? Not really, you can just sell stuff directly. [Wired] [Consumerist]
- In a Q&A, Ellen Pao says she thinks Silicon Valley is changing following her lawsuit. [CNET]
- Stanford’s Business School Dean will be resigning due to messy divorce and lawsuit. [NYT] [WSJ]
- A Board of Supes committee gave the okay to new tenant protections legislation. [Ex]
- An abandoned SF building is occupied by car-burglarizing squatters. [Chron]
- Berkeley might raise its minimum wage to $19. [ABC 7]
- These are the signs you’re in a real SF dive bar, and they include “[t]here are two microwaves.” [Thrillist]