You know how half your friends made their profile pics rainbow in support of gay marriage — 26 million Facebook users did, anyway — and at least half of those still haven't changed them back since June? Well, it's September now, federal gay marriage is a done deal, and to combat such laziness, Facebook is rolling out a new feature that allows people to post temporary profile pics in support of such causes which can be set to expire in a specific number of hours, or weeks.

As TechCrunch reports, "the feature could help prevent awkward situations where people end up with a profile photo related to a passed campaign or expired meme."

But, it could also result in a spate of people putting zany things in place of their profile pics for a few hours, turning the site more chaotic than it already can be.

The feature is apparently in testing and appearing for some users already. It's unclear when the full rollout will occur.