• Variety critic says Pixar’s Inside Out is "the greatest idea the toon studio has ever had." [Variety]
  • The [Chron] just did a “special report” on SF school desegregation.
  • Sausalito tries to make rules for bikes because they’re swamped with ‘em, and cyclists are mad. [Marin IJ]
  • Despite having the highest minimum wage in the country, SF retailers are struggling to find minimum wage workers. [CBS 5]
  • Tech VCs are now taking the marijuana business a lot more seriously. [Chron]
  • Not surprisingly, the mayor's proposal to tear down 280 and re-route CalTrain could make developers billions of bucks. [Chron]
  • You know how traffic is really terrible downtown? The city and the SFMTA just announced a new "strategy" today meant to ease congestion. It basically means more tickets for double parking and "blocking the box." [CBS 5]
  • Following on that $250 million housing bond measure he just proposed, the mayor has just upped the ante in the face of criticism to propose a $500 million housing measure. [Chron]
  • A text from mayor’s office might have forced a Planning Commissioner to change her vote during an April meeting on Airbnb legislation. [Examiner]