The in-production TV pilot 94110 that was casting in the Mission recently has been relatively hush-hush about its vision, allowing rampant speculation. Many have expressed their distaste for the project — Mission Local even surveyed people in Dolores Park for their opinions — and one producer described it as "Mark Zuckerberg fan fiction," adding that "we want to take the neighborhood's new reality and do something with it."

I'm not sure what kind of representation actual Missionites would actually like to see, and I'm not sure that Missionites know, either. But to its credit, the show's casting call is very open. No experience is necessary, and as Uptown Almanac learned, the roles have been written, but somehow genders, races, and ages of characters haven't yet been ascribed to characters.

The casting call also states that “each role will be cast with no preference toward age, race, or gender”—a promise that seems absurd given the racial and gendered homogeneity of the industry 94110 is supposed to cover. When asked about this claim, the producer merely confirmed that the script has already been written and they have “six specific executives” they are casting. He went on to emphasize that the production has a range of roles open.

Well, corroborating that, Capp Street Crap received an email with an update on the parts being cast, which don't have names and are relatively vague. In fact, they're mostly just personality traits. Here they are, so ask yourself: do you fit the bill? Punk rock vapers, I'm looking at you.


Lead A
Spazzy, neurotic. Riding a wave of luck and success from five years ago. Tries to get out of commitments. Things always go their way even though they may not be deserving.

Lead B
Ambitious, smart, overbearing behind closed doors, in a box. Just left another large company due to the lack of upward mobility and is looking to be their own boss as they regroup. Has government connections.

Lead C
Engineer, “kinda.” Socially awkward, but well regarded. Likes punk rock, addicted to vaping.

Lead D
Timorous, a lil “weird” but driven to be successful. Hard working, programmer at heart, putting in all nighters. Social life on hold.

Lead E
Alternates between bubbly and sharp as fuck. One of the gang and has alcohol-fueled bro-downs for brainstorming sessions.

Lead F
B R O in lifestyle and mindset. Body workouts and charm stand in for lack of ideas and ability. Super fun to hang with. Likeable but not trustworthy.

Supporting Characters:

Supporting A:
VC with lots of likes and followers, puts out good vibes and gets good returns. Knows that they have what people want, and uses that for leverage. Willing to pay more for quality.

Supporting B:
Working several task based jobs in the 94110 and hustles to make the monthly cut. Gets the attention of others without effort. Is curious, but jaded and opinionated.

Supporting C:
Out of the Box confidence, using guerrilla strategies for native applications. Existential crisis-prone; self-help book enthusiast.

A little more on the casting call, which people originally speculated might be a joke, but is now pretty clearly a real thing:

94110 imagines the story of six leading technology executives living, learning, and loving together in San Francisco’s Mission District, 94110. Production is scheduled on location in San Francisco for summer 2015. No payment for casting call, payment upon production. Contact for more information. SFAQ[Project]Space 449 O’Farrell St. San Francisco, CA 94102 Saturday - Sunday, 11-5:30pm Payment: Other City or Location of call: San Francisco Please submit to:

Previously: TV Pilot '94110' Posts Mission Casting Call, Knee-Jerk Haters Gonna Hate