The Wishing Tree of Noe Valley is getting some love this holiday season, already bedecked with hopeful notes. Now in its fourth year the tree is located on Eureka Street between 21st and 22nd Streets.

"During the first season of The Wishing Tree, I felt like I was creating a wild and mystical event," blogs Vanessa Sabarese, the proverbial Lorax of the Noe Valley tree. "I wanted to be the elusive gnome that kept the wishing jar filled with blank tags." The passion project began for Sabarese after she read Noelle Oxenhandler's The Wishing Year and "felt a new and exciting spark."

Here are a couple heartwarming wishes from past years:


Now Sabarase writes that "The Wishing Tree continues to surprise and present me with acts of beauty from neighbors to men working construction on Eureka Street. Babies oooh and grab for the bright white lights or the shiny sequined ribbons hanging from the tree."

By the end of the holiday season, it might look more like it did in this picture from a few years ago, taken after much garlanding:

The Wishing Tree encourages passersby to go digital and Instagram with the hashtag #thewishingtreesf, or else to visit the tree's Facebook page, which reads: "At the risk of appearing corny, The Wishing Tree's mission is to hold a space for unspoken wants, dreams, stories, and to spread joy. The risk is worth it!"

Photo: The Wishing Tree