Still shilling for McDonald's, former Mythbusters host Grant Imahara is back this week helping the fast-food chain prove to us that their food is not disgusting.

They find a guy, Wes Bellamy, who specifically tried to tell people on Twitter never to eat the McRib because the frozen ones look disgusting, and they bring him to the plant in Oklahoma City where they take the pork and form these patties. Does seeing the process make this any less weird, industrial, and gross? Not really, but they are merely trying to prove that there is nothing in that rib-shaped slab of meat except pork, and spices and sugar and preservatives.

And, yep, it comes out of the flash-freeze looking just as grey, artificial, and gross as it did in that tweet that Wes saw. But, he now says, "It's different now that I know how it's made."

How exactly? Because no rat meat went in there?

And Grant makes smiling, awkwardly enthusiastic commentary throughout. Make that paycheck, Grant.

Previously: Former Mythbuster Grant Imahara Sells Out To McDonald's In Beef PR Video