As part of the Hearts in San Francisco public art project — those large heart sculptures installed throughout the city and then auctioned off to benefit S.F. General Hospital — artists need your vintage or new Polaroids.

The Polaroid SF heart, which will be unveiled in December and up through 2015, will feature hundreds of Polaroids taken in San Francisco to represent "as many different people and points of view as possible," organizers Billy and Bruce tell SFist via email.

Of course, we asked them, who the hell still has a Polaroid camera and film lying around and they directed us to Glass Key Photo, which loans out cameras as part of its Instant Photowalk that happens on the last Sunday of every month. Glass Key confirmed that it has about 10-20 loaners available and the only catch is that you have to buy Polaroid film at the store.

To submit, Polaroid SF has the following guidelines:

  • Photographs must be an actual “Polaroid” photo. No copies or other type of photo print.

  • Polaroids must have been taken within the city limits of San Francisco.

  • No questionable content (c’mon now, this is for a piece of PUBLIC art).

  • White framed Polaroids only (sorry, no Impossible Project skins, etc.).

  • No Instax Mini shots.

  • We can’t guarantee every picture we receive will be used (but we’ll try) and no photographs will not be returned (sorry).

They're accepting Polaroids through Friday, September 5 and you can arrange to submit images at [email protected].