Yep. Someone is hiding bitcoin "wallets" around San Francisco now and giving out clues via Twitter, @SFHiddenBitcoin. The fun started on July 1, and so there have been eleven wallets worth about $20 (or .0333333 BTC) hidden in corners around the city, with a twelfth set to appear on Saturday. The anonymous nerd benefactor behind this stunt promised there would be 31 days of this bitcoin scavenger-hunt madness, running through the month of July.

So far the clues have been obscure enough riddles that I'm pretty sure there were no scenes like this one after the Hidden Cash guy (later identified as real estate investor Jason Buzi) decided to hide envelopes of cash in L.A. and give not-so-subtle hints about their locations. Friday's clue, for instance, on @SFHiddenBitcoin, was the following:

I really didn't get the riddle, actually, but it turned out to be the Castro Theatre (they're showing a movie called The Only Lovers Left Alive), and the same nerd who found one of the other hidden bitcoin wallets on July 5, Dan Luk, found this one as well, within an hour of its stashing.

Anyway, get out there, all you bitcoin hoarders!

You could be .0333333 BTC closer to buying a new used car!

[SF Weekly]