Jeremy Meeks, the man whose unusually hot mugshot lit up a million feeds last week, who turns out to be married and claims he's "no kingpin," has indeed been arrested before, and his previous mugshots are not quite as hot! Also, a rumored dick pic has surfaced, which you can feel free to take with a grain of salt and/or not look at.
The Smoking Gun unearthed some earlier mugshots of Meeks, from 2002 and 2009, in which we learn that Meeks has certainly grown into that chiseled mug of his, and that he looks best without facial hair, or head hair. Also, we learn that he's a "reputed member of the Northside Gangster Crips."
In related news, TMZ says there's already a modeling agency talking about hiring Meeks, since "gangster models" are really hot right now.
And in more related news, there's a dick pic that's surfaced [link NSFW, obviously] which would have to be corroborated with his arm and hand tattoos, and likely is not his. But it is making the rounds and we feel it's our journalistic duty to make sure you're aware of the outside chance that it's real.
Here are the earlier mugshots, the first one from 2002.
[The Smoking Gun]
[Bazaar Daily - NSFW]