This post is brought to you by Tahoe South.

Is there really any better way to spend a summer night than with two legendary bands amidst that legendarily beautiful Lake Tahoe scenery? If you’ve always meant to go to Lake Tahoe for a mini summer vacation, this should do it for you: Tahoe South is giving away a pair of tickets to see Journey and the Steve Miller Band in their incredible venue, Harvey’s Outdoor Arena, on July 30th.

One lucky winner will receive a pair of tickets to see Journey and the Steve Miller Band in Tahoe South on July 30th. Enter in the form below for a chance to win! By submitting this form, you agree to be subscribed to the SFist Daily newsletter. Gothamist LLC terms and conditions apply. You must be a subscriber to be eligible! Sorry, this contest has ended, but keep checking back on SFist for more awesome giveaways!

If this concert isn’t totally up your alley, there’s lots more to choose from as part of the Tahoe South Wild Summer Series. Check out the calendar for who else is lined up!