"Why did I do it? What did it get me? Give 'em love and what does it get you?" are some of the questions your mom might ask herself in the midst of a cathartic breakdown on Sunday, Mother's Day, if you don't give her a call. And with that friendly reminder, here are a few of San Francisco's biggest mamas we just couldn't do without.
Anita Lee: The first lady of San Francisco is a bit of a mystery, most often mentioned when the Mayor's frequent trips are scrutinized or when her New York-based daughter tied the knot. There's so much I'd like to ask this mother of two, like "are you responsible for Brianna's Sound of Music obsession" and "be honest: what do you think of Rose Pak?" Maybe we're just sore because her predecessor was an SFist commenter? Mrs. Lee, if you need help with Disqus, just say the word and we'll be right over. — Eve Batey

Dede Wilsey: The San Francisco mom who has 0.00 fucks to give regarding what you think of her. Among other reasons, that is why I adore (and fear) her. Also, one must stand in awe of her unapologetic opulence at local galas, as well as her work with the De Young. (She raised over $190 million to rebuild the earthquake-damaged museum in Golden Gate Park, one of the largest collective gifts ever made to an American museum.) Yes, there was that book — which, inadvertently, made her all that more intriguing, more iconic — but she also raised Todd, an indie film producer, and Trevor, a tech entrepreneur (neither pictured above). And she probably did it all while while wearing a Chanel suit. — Brock Keeling
Juanita MORE!: Though she doesn’t christen MOREboys anymore, San Francisco’s most maternal drag queen bee has been mothering a brood of party monsters, drag daughters, and fashionistas about town for two decades now. In addition to doling out advice and love to a community of nightlife denizens, she’s been known to don an apron and cook farm-to-table fare for her friends, as well as annual fried chicken dinners for charity. She may only be a mother in the truest sense to her French bulldog Jackson, but she’s certainly played mom to many, many gay boys and party girls while in a wig and a fantastic dress, in between DJ sets. — Jay Barmann
Moms in the clink: Not every important mother in San Francisco is a political player or noted socialite. A reported half of women in SF jail are mothers, a similar statistic nationwide. Something to think about when you're spending Sunday brunch with mom. — Brock Keeling
Mom Chung: As the first American-born Chinese female physician, Margaret Jessie Chung was an advocate for both healthcare and Chinese-American relations. In her all-male med school, she dressed in drag and called herself "Mike" until she could establish a practice of her own. She brought healthcare to Chinatown in the 20s and during the first World War, Chung "adopted" and corresponded with thousands of American servicemen who called themselves her "Fair-Haired Bastards." Now Chung's legacy lives on as the namesake for one of two SFMTA tunnel boring machines, currently drilling her way from Chinatown to King Street. — Andrew Dalton
Mrs. Doubtfire: Only with the help of some wonderful gay friends could a San Francisco man reeling from divorce learn just how hard it is to be a mom. — Andrew Dalton
Any mom raising kids in San Francisco in 2014: A toast to that invincible bunch, San Francisco moms are an increasingly rare breed. It's an expensive city and not all of you have nannies to help (contrary to what I see in South Park at lunchtime), so here's to making it through another eviction-free year. May the Walgreens-purchased perfume your little blessings give you be light on the sillage and aldehydes. Happy Mother's Day. — Brock Keeling
Honorable mention: Pamela Tanner, who was taken from us too soon.
(Photo: Catherine Bigelow)