I was a touch apprehensive before agreeing to check out ThirdLove's SoMa office. After all, the nascent company creates perfect-fitting bras and underwear for women. Why would I, a gentleman, find ladies' intimates interesting? How often does a guy wear a bar or panties? (Answer: a dozen or so, depending on what time mom got home from work.) So why would I care? But after seeing how ThirdLove uses technology (just two iPhone pics!) to get you a perfect fit, we're here to suggest it for women, girlfriends, daughters, moms, YOU, and other female types in your life.

According to ThirdLove, 80% of women wear the wrong bra size because traditional sizes (A, B, C, D) don't work for everyone. "We developed a unique sizing system to give you a more accurate fit - think about it like half-sizes that traditional brands have missed." All you have to do is take a couple photos of yourself using an iPhone (and wearing at tank top). That's all you need to size yourself in 5 minutes. Then you select the style from a vast array of high-end designs and fabrics.

We use technology to make sizing easy. Just throw on a form-fitting tank top, grab your iPhone and take two photos to size yourself in 5 minutes from the comfort and privacy of your home. Check out the collection here. (They have their own esteemed in-house designer, Ra'el Cohen, who creates the looks.) Buy a few gift cards here. And see how it works here. Download the app here.

Below, a couple of pics from our visit to ThirdLove's Bryant Street offices:


An efficient team working hard for you. All for you. (Brock Keeling)

SFist Gift Guide: The Many Faces Of Kaepernick Toys

Samples adorn the wall in the design room. (Brock Keeling)