SFO-based Virgin America has been trying to keep things light and breezy by letting gate agents get creative with their boarding screen messaging over the past couple of years. One example from a DC-bound flight out of SFO resurfaced today via The Soup, and since a lot of you are going to be getting on flights this week, we thought we'd share a few others. Not to shill for Virgin, just because we enjoy funny things.
First, the above is a good example of how to amuse disgruntled passengers waiting for a delayed flight.
Next, we have the obvious Ron Burgundy references that they enjoy using for many San Diego-bound flights.
Photo: @meganmalloy/followgram
Then there's this humorous way to spin the inescapable grimness of boarding a red-eye.
And, of course, Seattle weather jokes.
This one's a bit dated, but the weekend that Adam "MCA" Yauch of the Beastie Boys passed away in 2012, Virgin made one of many tributes.
Photo: Reddit