When the Nobel Prize committee had trouble notifying their peace prize winner of their award, they did what any overeager PR person or 1D fangirl would do: they @'d them.

A few minutes later:

And yet still, the winners still couldn't be reached. Maybe it was donut day in conference room B at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons? Probably. Fortunately, after only one plain donut remained in the box, someone finally went back to their desk to check their Twitter. Et voilà:

Today's win for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons came as something of a surprise. Sixteen-year-old Malala Yousufaz Yousafzai, a Taliban survivor from Pakistan, was the frontrunner going into the race. As Mashable reports, "Despite her age, she has been fighting for female rights in education. She was shot in the head by an Islamist militant one year ago after standing up to the Taliban for girls' right to attend school and wasn't expected to live."

Yousufaz Yousafzai later tweeted that it was an honor just being nominated.


Previously: Stanford Prof Wins Nobel Chemistry Prize (Prompting Yet Another Humblebrag)
UC Berkeley Nobel Prize Winner Humblebrags Win On Facebook