It's that time of year again when 7-Eleven pours frozen corn syrup down your throat (while nabbing free advertising to boot). Yes, today, July 11th is Free Slurpee Day. And this year, the national convenience store chain--the one you stumble into to get those jalapeno-and-cream-cheese taquitos when you're ripped to the tits on Friday nights--will give you more.

Instead of sticking with the usual 7.11-ounce free Slurpees, 7-Eleven will simply offer them in their usual small size 12-ounce cups. The change, according to USA Today, is because moms bitched about the pristine interiors of their Buick Enclaves or something. "Moms asked us for cups with lids," Laura Gordon, vice president of marketing and brand innovation for 7-Eleven, said. The special 7.11-ounce cups don't have lids, but the 12-ounce cups do. "That means less mess in the car."

The offer goes from now until day's end. Find the 7-Eleven nearest you via this handy map:

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