On Monday, Jim Harbaugh and his father, Jack, will appear on an episode of Judge Judy During the taping, the noted coach got to hug Judge Judith Sheindlin as well as sit in on a taping, essentially living the dream.

The 49ers coach/former Saved By The Bell ingenue made his deep adoration for Judge Judy well known last season -- a sentiment shared by everyone, really. Judge Judy, you see, taught Harbaugh not to lie. If you recall, during a February interview, the San Francisco 49ers coach was asked about players being dishonest during the interview process.

"That's big ... to me. I'm a big fan of the Judge Judy show," Harbaugh said. "And when you lie in Judge Judy's courtroom, it's over. Your credibility is completely lost. You stand no chance of winning that case. So, I learned that from her And it's very powerful ... and true. Because if somebody does lie to you, how can you ever trust anything they ever... say after that? But, I think there's, and then."

Indeed. Judy Judy with the Harbaughs airs tomorrow, Monday, Jun 3rd, on Channel 5 KPIX at 7:30 pm. Check your local listings if you can't find it.

Also, if we may tip our hat to Dlisted, the real star of the show is the lady (at left) throwing excellent side-eye:


PHOTOS: Brock Keeling / SFist