Bobak Ferdowsi, the man who helped land the Curiosity rover on Mars and then drove it straight into our hearts, will be sporting his trademark mohawk alongside whatever Michelle Obama decides to throw on before the State of the Union address tonight. Ferdowsi was invited by the president's science adviser to join the first lady as one of her personal guests in the House chambers.

Ferdowsi, who rose to Twitter fame thanks to his funky fresh 'do and a blogcrush from Buzzfeed last year, will likely be a touchstone for the President (who is a fan) as he discusses the importance of science education and innovation in this country.

As for his ever-changing color job, which is all anyone really cares about, Ferdowsi tells the New York Times for tonight's occasion he's going with a American/Martian red, white and blue theme: "U.S.A on one side and Mars on the other."

Elsewhere, the White House has proven they've got their finger on the pulse of America this year. Earlier today, they simultaneously delighted political minded Skrillex fans and trolled everyone else with their dubstep-tinged State of the Union trailer:

Previously: Bobak Ferdowsi, Mars Rover Guide, Lands Into Our Hearts
'Still Living The Dream,' Says NASA Dreamboat Bobak Ferdowsi