For your last-minute, late-night Friday plans, noted erudite funnyman and "Famous Minor Television Personality" John Hodgman will weigh in on your pressing issues in a live edition of his Judge John Hodgman podcast. It'll be just like Judge Joe Brown, except with glasses and a special musical guest/expert witness appearance by John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats.

As a self-appointed judge, Hodgman is qualified to settle such pressing, real-life disputes as "is chili a soup or a stew?" We, personally, plan to ask him to define the rules governing going #2 in coffee shop bathrooms.

Also sitting in on the live edition will be fellow podcast/public radio personality Jesse Thorn. John Darnielle, who previously delighted our pals in New York, will be on hand to strum a few bars and provide his always winning stage banter. Hodgman himself has promised to cover "Baby Got Back."

Judge John Hodgman
Show: 10:30 p.m.
Marine's Memorial Theater
609 Sutter Street at Mason Street
[Details] [Tickets]