We interrupt your regularly scheduled food reading about Mission pop-ups and pickled baby legs to bring you this important announcement: 7-Eleven, purveyor of the world's greatest late-night drunken snacks and cigarettes, will offer $1 coffee every Wednesday in the month of January.

To the press release! "In addition, the world’s largest convenience store retailer will introduce a new blend to its vast coffee portfolio, Brazilian Dark Roast, its richest, most full-bodied coffee yet, made with mountain-grown beans sourced from Southern Brazil. 7-Eleven’s new Brazilian Dark Roast is blended to deliver a rich and robust flavor that’s always smooth and provides a full-bodied and satisfying taste."


So, for those of you who can't throw down a lot of cash for some Blue Bottle or the attitude that at some of our more esteemed coffee makers, head over to 7-Eleven (in shame!) to grab a $1 cup of coffee. Remember: Wednesdays only. And, please, don't do this once you get there. There's enough coffee for all!