As a voting member on the University of California's Board of Regents and a guy with really nice hair, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom has some important opinions on the UC System's controversial new logo. In a letter sent to U.C. President Mark Yudof earlier this week, Newsom wrote that the logo, even in its limited use, "has backfired."

After applauding the relaunch of Yudof's website, Newsom continued dictating to his aide with the word processor: appears the new logo fails to respect the history and prestige of University of California. In only a few days, almost 50,000 student, alumni, and Californians across the state believe so strongly the the logo fails to represent the institution they are so proud of, they have signed a petition calling for its removal.

It bears noting that tuition at the University of California has more than doubled in recent years, access is being limited and students are incurring more debt than any other time in history. Perhaps now is the time to return to the use of the old logo and allow the University community a cooling off period to concentrate on the long-term health of the University.

Instead of being creative with the University of California logo we should be searching for creative solutions for funding the University of California.

Of course, more funds was exactly what President Yudof was hoping to raise by inserting the UC logo anywhere he could, but at least we know the Lite Gov has started to figure what his job actually does.

Previously: U.C. System Introduces New 'User-Friendly' Logo That Nobody Likes
[Office of the Lieutenant Governor]