Over at the Examiner, noted Mirkarimi critic Melissa Griffin lays out what she sees as the likely scenario surrounding the potential recall vote on Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi. She argues that recall supporters are not likely to push for a special election on this one, given that elections cost about $4 million to mount in this town, and that would draw criticism from the Mirkarimi camp for being frivolous.

Instead, she says, the recall would probably happen as part of next November's regular election, during which we'll also be voting for a city attorney and treasurer. There will have to be a submission of intent to file for the recall by Christmas Eve, and signature gathering can begin January.

In order to mount a recall, supporters of the cause will need to do a signature drive and collect 50,284 signatures, or ten percent of the voting populace in the city. Those signatures will then be due on June 24, 2013.


All previous Ross Mirkarimi coverage on SFist.