Oh boy. The wacky kids at the Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Democratic Club will hold a District 5 Supervisor candidates’ debate tonight from 7 - 8:30 p.m. And you have got to be there. Seeing as how it's steeped in progressive fun, some crazy-ass shit will surely go down.

The debate will be moderated by "transgender performer, artist, and social commentator" Ben McCoy and totally rad SF Bay Guardian managing editor Marke Bieschke. And, according to Milk Club leader and Miss Trannyshack winner Glendon Anna Conda Hyde, "The Milk Board is proud to bring you debates that will help us choose the person who is willing to fight the hardest for true social justice. We look forward to hearing how the candidates will move drug policy, nightlife concerns, public space, Queer seniors’ issues, Sex Worker rights and the housing crisis into a future that is all inclusive. We are looking for that voice that represents best the core values of the Milk Club and San Francisco."


This could turn into a bunch on wonks screaming into a bag of sand, especially if D5 goes the way of the artisan coffee nerd, but you should consider attending if you live in the district. Or not. It all goes down from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Eric Quezada Center on 518 Valencia (oddly enough not in D5, but the Mission). This evening's event will be catered by Bi-Rite. (Ha, not really! Keep dreaming.)

Oh, and SFist's Andrew Dalton will live tweet the festivities. (Bring him a Ritter Sport "corn flake" or "marzipan" treat to get him to talk to you. He's like a kitten that way.)